3 min readApr 23, 2022


We’ve started the build phase of Safuu Blockchain!

The Safuu Team is excited to announce that as of today and 1 year ahead of our roadmap schedule, that we are pushing forward on the gas peddle full throttle with an aim to meet our goal of releasing Safuu Blockchain on Mainnet by July 2023.

What is Safuu Blockchain and what does this mean?

By Safuu becoming it’s own independent blockchain presents us with huge upside potential by offering true utility to the DeFi sector and capturing the eyes and trust of larger industry players including institutional investors.

“Go big or go home is our motto” — Safuu CEO Bryan Legend.

Becoming our own blockchain is no easy feat as it does come with it’s own challenges but it allows Safuu to truly win the game by separating ourselves from ‘average token projects’ and being our own COIN, not a token. This in itself allows Safuu to be recognized leaps and bounds above the competition and will situate us in a poll position as one of the top players in the crypto industry.

Why is a Blockchain good for Safuu?

Being one’s blockchain completely eliminates the comparison to short-term DeFi scam projects and provides the needed capability for us to continually build, improve and expand by offering more features, benefits and utility to users of the Safuu Blockchain.

What are the use cases and utility?

Safuu Blockchain will provide real use cases for new and upcoming DeFi projects to build upon our infrastructure by being part of real-world tie in’s and capitalizing on the following valued 7 core use cases:

  1. Bringing the real-world & DeFi together to strengthen public awareness
  2. New and upcoming projects to be part of a real-world tangibility focus
  3. Allowing for greater expansion and pivots with industry changes
  4. Harnessing the power of branding to onboard layer 2 solutions
  5. Greater infrastructure and newer partnerships through trust and adoption
  6. Utilizing the Safuu Blockchain for an online consumer payment system
  7. Providing merchant facilities for real-world payment processing


What is SafuuX?

SafuuX will be our flagship Decentralized Exchange (DEX) that will work directly on the Safuu Blockchain and will provide trading functionality through liquidity pairing just the same way as PancakeSwap and UniSwap do.

SafuuX will be developed with the aim to offer seamless trading for any global user of the exchange aswell as the worlds lowest trading fees in the crypto industry bar none.

SafuuX will also have it’s own native token where all accumulated trading fees from the DEX will be re-entered back into the Safuu Ecosystem as rewards, therefore offering greater utility and benefits to SafuuX token holders.



The current Safuu Token will naturally evolve into it’s own Blockchain. The aim is to make the transition as seamless, effortless and automatic as possible. During the next 14 months our team will be continually building and preparing the Safuu Blockchain for Mainnet release with a targeted date set for July 2023.

Safuu will evolve from a normal Auto-Staking token to a coin providing more benefits to holders through it’s own value proposition by maintaining a core focus of sustainable passive income.


The name SafuuX is both the name of our new Decentralized Exchange aswell as the native token for it. SafuuX will be deployed as an entirely new token running on the Safuu Blockchain which will allow for investors to gain distributed rewards from DEX trading fees.

What happens now?

You just need to sit tight while our team continues to follow our revised roadmap. By holding SAFUU tokens currently, you will still receive the rebasing interest as promised and no part of the protocol will change whatsoever.

Once the Safuu Blockchain has been built and passed all Testnet criteria aswell as SafuuX, we will communicate the process for users accordingly.

More details to follow over the course ahead...

